Manna and Quail

Every other day it seems some lucky person is winning millions in some gsm network’s promo, or a car in a bank raffle draw, or a trip to Dubai, or a scholarship to some foreign university, or a US green card, or...... you probably get the drift.
Sometimes I fantasize about what I’d do with a million dollars in winnings. I think about improving the lives of myself and my loved ones through various feats of superhuman generousity, and of being set for life :)
But all too soon the day dawns with its sobering realities and I’m back in the daily grind, living the life of the average civil servant in the rapidly dwindling entity that is the Nigerian middle class.
Basically, I get so caught up longing for the miracles of parted seas, fiery pillars and powerful plagues that I fail to acknowledge, and be grateful for, the miracles of manna and quail.
I have a job, a roof over my head, a family that loves and adores me, and I’ve never had to sit and stare at my wife wondering how we’ll eat or what baby will wear. I can afford to run my generator and keep my car on the road. I pay my dstv subscription before it expires and my rent as soon as it’s due. I pay my tithe regularly and support men of God who are fighting the battles I can’t. I try my best to help when I’m asked and even when I’m not. I do what I can when I can with no thought of amassing for tomorrow, so my savings account is a joke. Sometimes I think it’s just a forwarding address...
Somehow, my needs are ALWAYS met. Not my WANTS, my NEEDS.
I can’t afford to take my family for a weekend in Dubai or summer in San Diego, but they will never go hungry. I can’t afford to replace the car I’ve had for the past 7 years but the car has stayed faithful. I haven’t built my own house but I’m not homeless. I may never be the beaming face on your tv screen relieving the moment Frank told me I’d just won 10 million naira, but I’m beaming right now as I relive how somehow, EVERYTIME I’ve really needed something, my God has provided.
Manna and quail.
I’m marching through the wilderness of life, learning my lessons and growing into the man that will enter into my promised land, my rest.  And as I go along, He makes sure I have just what I need when I need it. He isn’t bogging me down with excesses that may only distract or destroy me. He keeps me fed. No, not with the fat of Egypt.
With manna and quail.


  1. Thanks for this.
    It resonates with me.


  2. Timely word mac, especially at a time when prosperity is all think about these days. God is faithfully giving us our daily bread.


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